Kalu Linux
After Install Run These Command
sudo apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client php php-mysql php-gd libapache2-mod-php
sudo service mysql start
sudo mysql -u root -p
create user 'user'@'' identified by 'pass';
grant all privileges on dvwa.* to 'user'@'' identified by 'pass';
create user 'admin'@'%' identified by 'pass';
grant all privileges on *.* to 'admin'@'%' identified by 'pass';
sudo apt install phpmyadmin
wget -q -O - https://archive.kali.org/archive-key.asc | apt-key add
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys ED05F7B2EC3C9224
apt update
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib
deb https://deb.parrotlinux.org/parrot/ rolling main contrib non-free
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:micahflee/ppa
apt install -y torbrowser-launcher
sudo apt install -y onionshare
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:backbox/six
sudo apt-get update
Kalu Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution tailored for penetration testers and security researchers. It offers a comprehensive repository of tools that can be installed individually or in groups, ensuring compatibility with existing Arch installations.
Developed by Hacker Computer School, Kalu Linux is a continuation of their previous penetration testing distributions. It supports all Metasploit platforms and frameworks, providing a cross-platform solution accessible to IT security professionals and enthusiasts. The distribution includes an ARM repository that integrates seamlessly with the mainline distribution, offering tools for ARM updates and support for various ARM devices.
Unlike other distributions, Kalu Linux comes pre-configured with a standard Debian base, allowing users to get up and running quickly. It includes a variety of pre-installed security tools organized into categories, eliminating the complexities associated with installing open-source hacking tools and their dependencies. This makes it an ideal choice for those interested in penetration testing and cybersecurity, as it provides the necessary tools without additional configuration.
Kalu Linux offers over 600 penetration testing and hacking tools capable of handling complex tasks without requiring programming knowledge. Tools like Aircrack-NG for WiFi network security checks and John the Ripper for password cracking are included to meet diverse cybersecurity needs. Recognizing that many intrusion tools are written in English, Kalu Linux provides true multilingual support, enabling users to work in their native language and easily locate the tools they need.
Designed as an operating system for network analysts and penetration testers, Kalu Linux focuses on network intrusions, password cracking, and forensic tools, allowing users to concentrate on security tasks rather than system configuration. It supports ARMEL and ARMHF systems, facilitating hassle-free security assessments across various platforms.
For those seeking to enhance their cybersecurity skills, Hacker Computer School offers certifications and live online classes, including:
- CEEH: Certified Expert Ethical Hacker
- KLSFP: Black Box Penetration Testing
- Android Agent 47: Android Hacking
- MCSD: Master Cyber Security Diploma
Additionally, programs are available in both Hindi and English to cater to a diverse audience.
By providing a robust platform equipped with essential tools and resources, Kalu Linux empowers cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts to effectively conduct penetration testing and security research.